The purpose of this page is to create a contact for upcoming family Reunions.
Eddie Hildrey Rankin Whitesell was born on March 26, 1876 in Guilford County, NC, and died on August 5, 1960 at the age of 84.
He is buried in Bethlehem Christian Church Cemetery, Altamahaw, N.C.
Eddie was the son of Daniel Rankin Whitesell and Barbara Livinia Matilda Thomas Whitesell.
Find A Grave memorial for Eddie Whitesell here..
Callie Alventine Elizabeth Michael was born on September 24, 1880 in Guilford County, NC,
and died on June 21, 1959 at the age of 78.
She is buried in Bethlehem Christian Church cemetery, Altamahaw, N.C.
Callie was the daughter of Alpherd Alexander Michael and Margaret Ann Barber Michael.
Find A Grave memorial for Callie Alventine Michael Whitesell here...
Eddie and Callie were married on December 18, 1901, in Guilford County, NC, and eleven children were born from the marriage.
Stats as of October 3, 2024: Eddie has 29,287 known relatives; Callie has 6788 known relatives; they have 361 known descendants.
If you are related to the Eddie & Callie Whitesell family, and would like to attend the next family reunion,
please contact me by email address whitesellsomers@gmail.comOur Face Book page is:
Currently there are no family reunions planned.
If you would like to host a reunion, please contact me by email
October 20, 2018 - Thirteenth Annual Whitesell Reunion was held at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall.
There were 27 people present to a covered dish meal.
October 14, 2017 - There was not a reunion this year.
October 1, 2016 - Twelfth Annual Whitesell Reunion - We changed the reunion to the first weekend to accommodate those families that have others events on the third weekend. So we are looking forward to seeing everyone there!
The Whitesell Reunion Committee 2016 is looking forward to seeing all of you at the Reunion on Saturday, October 1, at Bethlehem Christian Church, Altamahaw. The doors will open at 5:30 pm and a catered dinner will be served at 6 pm. Plates will cost $10 per person; children age 10 and under can eat for $7 per plate. Food will be prepared only for those who provide their names and checks prior to September 17. Please mail your checks and attendance information to: Anjie Greeson 501 N. Charles St. Mebane NC 27302. If the number of the plates purchased does not generate enough cash to pay for incidentals and a donation to Bethlehem UCC for use of the facility, we will take up a collection – please come prepared.
We are planning to have a good time! We will have board games and Setback and Rook cards. If you have any questions or a problem getting your check in the mail, please contact one of us. We look forward to receiving your commitment to attend and getting to see all of you on October 1!! (You do not have to purchase a meal to attend the reunion; we are, however preparing only enough food for those who contact us in advance.)
The 2016 Committee: Paula Whitesell Mogle: 336 213-5271; Anjie Hilliard Greeson: 336 516-4587; Kim Hodge Sellars: 336 266-1214 Thanks to Paula, Anjie and Kim for their work organizing and delivering the meal!!
There were 50 members present. Everyone had a great time playing all sorts of their favorite games, and sharing the family photographs and stories of the family! It was great to see some members that hadn't attended in a few years!
Terry announced to the group that older family pictures can now be found online at:
October 17, 2015 - Eleventh Annual Whitesell Reunion - Host will be Tripp from the Otis Whitesell family.
We had a group of 30 members this year for a gracious covered dish meal.
Glenda decorated the room and tables with festive fall colors for the occasion. Everyone had a good time and had plenty to eat! There was lots of discussion on next year's reunion and the possibility of moving the reunion date one week earlier.
Terry asked the group to consider a catered meal at a reasonable cost, the group agreed it was time for a change.
October 18, 2014 - Tenth Annual Whitesell Reunion - Covered dish meal at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Altamahaw, NC.
Hosts for the evening were Joanna, Van and Sherry from the Howard Whitesell family.
We had 33 members present for food and fellowship. Lots of discussion for next year's reunion.
The Reunion will be held again next year at the same place. Van will again present a slide show of family pictures.
Host will be Tripp Hilliard from the Otis Whitesell family.
October 19, 2013 - Ninth Annual Whitesell Reunion - Covered dish meal at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Altamahaw, NC.
Hosts for the evening were Joanna, Van and Sherry from the Howard Whitesell family. We had 61 members present for the evening. Van presented a slide show of family photographs taken by his parents. We all enjoyed the trip back in time to identify much younger pictures of ourselves and of others gone on to Heaven before us. It was decided that the Reunion will be held again next year at the same location, with a covered dish supper.
Joanna and Van Whitesell and Sherry Burris will again be the hosts for the evening.
October 20, 2012 - Eighth Annual Whitesell Reunion - Covered dish meal at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Altamahaw, NC.
Glenda greeted the family and made the announcements for this year. We had 62 members present for an evening meal, program and lots of conversation.
We had a slide show of "old" pictures gathered from family members. Ricky was this year's photographer, taking family portraits of each family group. He also provided a family roster of contact information. The youngest member present was 14 months old and the oldest member will be 100 years old in January 2013. The youngest married couple present was two years, and three members attending for the first time.
Terry presented a brief history slideshow back in time of the lineage of Eddie Hildrey Whitesell family. Also it was introduced to the group of the newly established website of The website contains links to the Family Tree at Rootsweb, Whitesell reunion, and the Somers-Summers Reunion. The family guessed at how many different ways the Whitesell name was spelled. There are 38 known ways to spell it that we know.
It was voted and decided that the Reunion will be held again next year at the same location, October 19, 2013. It will be a covered dish supper.
Hosts will be Sherry Burris and Joanna Whitesell, these ladies are both of the Howard Whitesell family.
October 15, 2011 - Seventh Annual Whitesell Reunion - Covered dish meal at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Altamahaw, NC.
There were several new family members this year with a total of 72 members present.
Ricky had the greeting and made the announcements for this year's reunion. It was suggested and voted to have next year's reunion a covered dish meal on the second Saturday in October if the building is available. If not, it will continue to be on the third Saturday in October.
Terry had slide shows available of pictures taken from the past years reunions.
October 16, 2010 - Sixth Annual Whitesell Reunion - Again the reunion was held at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Altamahaw, NC.
We had a delicious covered dish meal! There were 66 family members present for the occasion. Donations were collected for the expenses and use of the fellowship hall building.
Glenda did this year's announcements and greetings for the reunion. Everyone had a great time talking to the new family members for the first time attending the reunion.
Next year it was suggested that the family will have a contest to see which family branch will have the highest percentage of family members present. In order to do that, Terry needs updates from everyone on your families, marriages, births etc. Good luck to the winning branch.
Terry has also created a face book page for all to connect.
Keep those emails and phone calls coming!
October 17, 2009 - Fifth Annual Whitesell Reunion - This year's reunion was held at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Altamahaw, NC.
A surprise catered meal was provided by some members of the family, and was served by Hursey's BBQ. Donations were accepted for the costs of the meal and the use of the building. If you were not there, you missed a treat! There were 90 descendants present for the meal and fellowship that followed.
Ricky exchanged some family stories with the group, and we all had a good laugh. Everyone was encouraged to share any stories that they remember or have been told for next year's reunion. Each clan was recognized for their attendance.
Terry provided a photo slide show of pictures taken in previous reunions, and a relationship chart. Now, we all can determine what relationship we really are to each other. The family is still growing. Callie has 1901 known relatives; Eddie has 11,771 known relatives; and Eddie and Callie have 305 known descendants. Everyone was encouraged to share their own family genealogy so the tree can be documented and continue to grow.
October 18, 2008 - Fourth Annual Whitesell Reunion - This year's reunion was held at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Altamahaw, NC.
A catered meal was provided by members of the family, and served by Hursey's BBQ. There were 124 of the descendants present.
We were welcomed this year by Ricky, a grandson, that encouraged us all to "spark" some conversation with family members that we have not had the opportunity to meet. Each family was recognized as a group, and a member of that family introduced their family members.
This year we were all surprised to receive a reproduction print of the original photograph of Eddie and Callie's family which was taken in approximately in 1934, from Raymond, a grandson! See a black & white copy here. Family stories were shared, some so surprising that everyone had a huge laugh.
Terry provided a photo slide show of pictures taken in previous reunions, and a pedigree chart of Eddie for all to enjoy. He also gave a short family history. Callie has 1834 known relatives; Eddie has 11,152 known relatives; and Eddie and Callie have 278 known descendants. Everyone was encouraged to submit information to update the family tree.
November 3, 2007 - Third Annual Whitesell Reunion - A reunion with a covered dish meal was held at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Altamahaw, NC.
There were 73 of the descendants present. Every one enjoyed a time of fellowship and sharing the old family stories from the "good ole days".
Donald made the announcements for the year's reunion. The family decided that an annual reunion would be held on the 3rd Saturday in October at 5:30 PM.
As an added surprise, next year's reunion will be a catered meal sponsored by a family member. Several folks stayed after the clean up and enjoyed some inside scoops from one of the children of Eddie & Callie. All three of the living children of Eddie & Callie were present for this gathering.
September 30, 2006 - Second Annual Whitesell Reunion -
There was 70 descendants that attended the reunion at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Altamahaw, NC for a covered dish meal.
Ricky welcomed the family and led discussion and the announcements. We all met new faces that had attended the reunion for the first time and learned a lot about each other.
Terry gave an update of the family information that he has in the family tree file. We have 1610 known relatives of Callie; 7830 known relatives of Eddie; Eddie and Callie have 274 known descendants.
August 6, 2005 - First Annual Whitesell Reunion -
A group of 120 descendants and relatives of this family met at Bethlehem Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Altamahaw, NC for a hot dog and covered dish supper.
Donald welcomed the family for the first annual event. Everyone had a great time and fellowship with family members that they have never met before.
A register of names, addresses and phone numbers was complied for future contact. Family members have volunteered to organize another reunion for next year.
June 28, 2003 - The grandchildren of Eddie and Callie Whitesell first met for a family gathering at the home of Donald, a grandson, for hamburgers and hot dogs.
Everyone had a great time of fellowship and the food was overflowing.
Terry presented each grandchild a pedigree chart showing the family line, and requested family information to add to the family's tree. After many comments and interest from the folks at this gathering, a yearly family reunion was organized.